Mainz, Germany

Mainz University

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

University type: university type (with doctorate)
Status: public

full-time studies
part-time studies
ArchaeologiesStudies in German
Archaeology, ClassicalStudies in German
Archaeology, Prehistory and Early HistoryStudies in German
Art HistoryStudies in German
Audio-visual PublishingStudies in German
BiologyStudies in German
Biomedical ChemistryStudies in German
Book scienceStudies in German
Business and EconomicsStudies in German
Business EducationStudies in German
Catholic Religious EducationStudies in German
Catholic TheologyStudies in German
ChemistryStudies in German
Civil LawStudies in German
Computer SciencesStudies in German
Criminal JusticeStudies in German
Education ScienceStudies in German
Educational SciencesStudies in German
EnglishStudies in German
EthnologyStudies in German
Film StudiesStudies in German
Fine ArtsStudies in German
FrenchStudies in German
GeographyStudies in German
GeosciencesStudies in German
GermanStudies in German
GermanStudies in German
German and French LawStudies in German
GreekStudies in German
HistoryStudies in German
ItalianStudies in German
Journalism, publishing and media studiesStudies in German
LatinStudies in German
LinguisticsStudies in German
MathematicsStudies in German
MeteorologyStudies in German
Molecular BiologyStudies in German
Molecular BiotechnologyStudies in German
MusicStudies in German
Music - Church MusicStudies in German
Music - Elementary Music EducationStudies in German
Music - Jazz and popular musicStudies in German
Music - Opera and ConcertStudies in German
Music - Orchestral instrumentsStudies in German
Music - PianoStudies in German
MusicologyStudies in German
PhilosophyStudies in German
PhysicsStudies in German
Political ScienceStudies in German
PortugueseStudies in German
Protestant Religious EducationStudies in German
Protestant TheologyStudies in German
PsychologyStudies in German
Public LawStudies in German
RussianStudies in German
Social StudiesStudies in German
SociologyStudies in German
SpanishStudies in German
Sport and Sports ScienceStudies in German
Theatre StudiesStudies in German
Turkish StudiesStudies in German
Ägyptologie / AltorientalistikStudies in German
Archäologie, Christliche und byzantinische KunstgeschichteStudies in German
Französisch / Lettres modernesStudies in German
Geographie / GéographieStudies in German
Germanistik / AllemandStudies in German
Komparatistik / Europäische LiteraturStudies in German
Kulturanthropologie / VolkskundeStudies in German
Philosophie / EthikStudies in German
Psychologie & PsychotherapieStudies in German
Slavistik / Osteuropastudien - Schwerpunkt PolonistikStudies in German
Slavistik / Osteuropastudien - Schwerpunkt RussistikStudies in German
SportStudies in German
American StudiesStudies in English
English / AnglaisStudies in English
English Literature and CultureStudies in English

Integrated Master's degree
full-time studies
part-time studies
Catholic TheologyStudies in German
DentistryStudies in German
Fine Visual ArtsStudies in German
LawStudies in German
MedicineStudies in German
PharmacyStudies in German
Protestant TheologyStudies in German

full-time studies
part-time studies
AnthropologyStudies in German
Applied BioinformaticsStudies in German
ArchaeologyStudies in German
Art History: Works - Contexts - DiscoursesStudies in German
BiologyStudies in German
Biomedical ChemistryStudies in German
BiomedicineStudies in German
Book scienceStudies in German
Business EducationStudies in German
Catholic Religious EducationStudies in German
ChemistryStudies in German
Classical PhilologyStudies in German
Climate and Environmental ChangeStudies in German
Communication ManagementStudies in German
Comparative LiteratureStudies in German
Computer Science in the Natural SciencesStudies in German
Computer SciencesStudies in German
Cross-cultural Romance StudiesStudies in German
Education ScienceStudies in German
Educational SciencesStudies in German
Empirical Democracy ResearchStudies in German
EnglishStudies in German
Ethics of MedicineStudies in GermanStudies online
Film StudiesStudies in German
Fine ArtsStudies in German
FrenchStudies in German
GeographyStudies in German
GeosciencesStudies in German
GermanStudies in German
GermanStudies in German
German as a Foreign and Second LanguageStudies in German
German LawStudies in German
GreekStudies in German
HistoryStudies in German
ItalianStudies in German
JournalismStudies in German
LatinStudies in German
LinguisticsStudies in German
ManagementStudies in German
MathematicsStudies in German
Media Culture StudiesStudies in German
Media DramaturgyStudies in German
Media LawStudies in German
MusicStudies in German
Music - Church MusicStudies in German
Music - Jazz and popular musicStudies in German
Music - Music TheoryStudies in German
Music - Orchestral instrumentsStudies in German
Music - Organ improvisationStudies in German
Music - Organ literature playingStudies in German
Music - PianoStudies in German
Music - Sound Art - CompositionStudies in German
Music - VoiceStudies in German
MusicologyStudies in German
PhilosophyStudies in German
PhysicsStudies in German
Protestant Religious EducationStudies in German
PsychotherapyStudies in German
RussianStudies in German
Social StudiesStudies in German
SociologyStudies in German
SpanishStudies in German
Theatre StudiesStudies in German
World LiteratureStudies in German
Accounting and FinanceStudies in German
Ägyptologie / AltorientalistikStudies in German
Computational SciencesStudies in German
Digitale Methodik in den Geistes- und KulturwissenschaftenStudies in German
Ethnologie des GlobalenStudies in German
Französisch / Lettres modernesStudies in German
Französische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturkontakte / Lettres modernesStudies in German
Geographie / GéographieStudies in German
Internationales Privatrecht und europäisches EinheitsrechtStudies in German
Klangkunst-KompositionStudies in German
Komparatistik / Lettres modernesStudies in German
Kulturanthropologie / VolkskundeStudies in German
Kunstgeschichte / Histoire de l'artStudies in German
Mittelalter- und FrühneuzeitstudienStudies in German
Musik - GitarreStudies in German
Musik - KonzertexamenStudies in German
Musik - Liedbegleitung / KorrepetitionStudies in German
Philosophie / EthikStudies in German
Philosophie / Philosophie: imaginaire et rationalitéStudies in German
Politische Ökonomie und Internationale BeziehungenStudies in German
Psychologie - Anwendungsorientierter SchwerpunktStudies in German
Psychologie - Arbeits- und OrganisationspsychologieStudies in German
Psychologie - Human FactorsStudies in German
Psychologie - Kindheit & JugendStudies in German
Psychologie - Klinisch-gesundheitsbezogener SchwerpunktStudies in German
Psychologie - Klinische Psychologie und PsychotherapieStudies in German
Psychologie - RechtspsychologieStudies in German
Slavistik / Osteuropastudien - Schwerpunkt PolonistikStudies in German
Slavistik / Osteuropastudien - Schwerpunkt RussistikStudies in German
SportStudies in German
Sportwissenschaft - Gesundheitsförderung und Therapie durch SportStudies in German
Sportwissenschaft - Internationales SportmanagementStudies in German
Transnational German StudiesStudies in German
Transnationaler JournalismusStudies in German
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche InformatikStudies in German
American StudiesStudies in English
English / AnglaisStudies in English
English Literature and CultureStudies in English
EpidemiologyStudies in English
European StudiesStudies in English
Human Geography: Globalisation, Media and CultureStudies in English
International Economics and Public PolicyStudies in English
International Master in BiomedicineStudies in English
MeteorologyStudies in English
Molecular BiotechnologyStudies in English
PhysicsStudies in English
Sociolinguistics and MultilingualismStudies in English
Sport Science - Movement and Well-BeingStudies in English
Sports Ethics and IntegrityStudies in English
TurcologyStudies in English

Doctoral studiesmore »
Anthropology Studies in German
Art Studies in German
Biology Studies in German
Business and Economics Studies in German
Chemistry Studies in German
Computer Sciences Studies in German
Cultural Studies Studies in German
Geography Studies in German
Geosciences Studies in German
History Studies in German
Language and Cultural Studies Studies in German
Law Studies in German
Mathematics Studies in German
Media Sciences Studies in German
Medicine Studies in German
Music Studies in German
Pharmacy Studies in German
Philosophy Studies in German
Physics Studies in German
Social Sciences Studies in German
Theology Studies in German
Theology, Catholic Studies in German
Theology, Protestant Studies in German
Sport Studies in German

MBAmore »
Executive MBA Studies in German
Young Professional Master of Business Administration Studies in English

Other educational centers
Mainz UniversityGermersheim
With about 36,500 students from about 130 nations, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) is one of the ten largest universities in Germany. As the only comprehensive university in Rhineland-Palatinate, JGU combines almost all academic disciplines under one roof, including the Mainz University Medical Center, the School of Music, and the Mainz Academy of Arts. This is a unique feature in the German academic landscape. With 84 fields of study and a total of 222 degree courses, including 98 Bachelor’s and 103 Master’s degree programs, JGU offers an extraordinarily broad range of courses. Some 4,150 academics, including 540 professors, teach and conduct research in JGU's more than 150 departments, institutes, and clinics (as of December 1, 2011; financed by federal and third-party funding).

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is a globally renowned research institution of national and international recognition. This reputation comes thanks its outstanding individual researchers as well as extraordinary research achievements in the field of particle and hadron physics, materials sciences, earth system sciences, translational medicine, the life sciences, media disciplines, and historical cultural studies.

JGU’s scientific prowess has been affirmed by its success in the Excellence Initiative by the German federal and state governments to promote top-level research at German universities: Mainz University is one of 23 universities in Germany that have received approval for a so-called Cluster of Excellence as well as approval for a Graduate School of Excellence. The Cluster of Excellence on "Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter" (PRISMA), which is primarily a collaboration between particle and hadron physicists, and the Graduate School of Excellence "MAterials Science IN MainZ" (MAINZ) are considered among the elite research groups worldwide. These two projects will receive financing to the tune of EUR 50 million by 2017.

The university's good positions in national and international rankings and the award of numerous research prizes are further confirmation of the importance and success of the research being conducted by JGU-based academics. This success has been made possible in part through the unique large-scale research equipment available at Mainz University, such as the TRIGA light water research reactor and the MAMI electron accelerator, which both attract researchers from around the world. The research-oriented teaching – with targeted and early integration of research content into the curriculum – is another key element of the JGU philosophy.

JGU is the sole German university of this size to combine almost all institutes on one campus, while also housing four partner research institutions that conduct cutting-edge research outside the organizational structure of the university itself. There are also on-campus student dormitories and childcare facilities. The clinical and clinical/theory institutes of the Mainz University Medical Center are located within roughly one kilometer of the campus.

JGU lives the notion of a civic university being an integral part of society and collaborating with the community it is part of. This means that it also provides lifelong learning programs and promotes timely and comprehensive knowledge and technology transfer.

Founded in 1477 during the age of Gutenberg and reopened after a 150-year break in 1946 by the French forces then based in Germany, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz owes much to the man whose name it bears and his achievements. With his achievements in mind, the university strives to promote and implement innovative ideas, to help improve people’s living conditions through knowledge, to facilitate their access to education and science, and to encourage people to transcend the many restraints that they encounter on a daily basis.

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