Berlin, Germany

Beuth University

Beuth Hochschule für Technik

University type: universities of applied sciences
Status: public

full-time studies
part-time studies
Applied MathematicsStudies in German
ArchitectureStudies in German
BiotechnologyStudies in German
Building and Energy EngineeringStudies in German
Business AdministrationStudies in Germandual studies
Civil EngineeringStudies in German
Electric MobilityStudies in German
Electrical EngineeringStudies in Germandual studies
Engineering and ManagementStudies in GermanStudies online
Environmental EngineeringStudies in German
Food TechnologyStudies in German
Geomatics EngineeringStudies in German
Information ManagementStudies in GermanStudies online
Landscape ArchitectureStudies in German
Landscape Construction and Green Spaces ManagementStudies in Germandual studies
Mechanical EngineeringStudies in German
MechatronicsStudies in German
Media InformaticsStudies in GermanStudies online
PackagingStudies in German
Pharmaceutical and chemical engineeringStudies in German
Print and Media TechnologyStudies in German
Augenoptik / OptometrieStudies in German
Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Digitale WirtschaftStudies in German
Brandschutz und SicherheitstechnikStudies in German
Computational Engineering and DesignStudies in German
Gartenbauliche PhytotechnologieStudies in German
Green Engineering - VerfahrenstechnikStudies in German
Humanoide RobotikStudies in German
Physikalische Technik - MedizinphysikStudies in German
Screen Based MediaStudies in German
Technische Informatik - Embedded SystemsStudies in German
Theater- und Veranstaltungstechnik und -managementStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - BauStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / in Umwelt und NachhaltigkeitStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / MaschinenbauStudies in German

full-time studies
part-time studies
ArchitectureStudies in German
BiotechnologyStudies in German
Building Engineering and Energy ManagementStudies in German
Computer EngineeringStudies in German
Energy and Automation SystemsStudies in German
Energy and Resource EfficiencyStudies in GermanStudies online
Event Engineering and ManagementStudies in German
Food TechnologyStudies in German
Geomatics EngineeringStudies in German
Mechanical Engineering - Constructional techniquesStudies in German
Mechanical Engineering - Production SystemsStudies in German
Mechanical Engineering - Renewable EnergiesStudies in German
MechatronicsStudies in German
Media InformaticsStudies in GermanStudies online
Medical InformaticsStudies in GermanStudies online
PackagingStudies in German
Pharmaceutical and chemical engineeringStudies in German
Print and Media TechnologyStudies in German
Process EngineeringStudies in German
Structural and Civil EngineeringStudies in German
Urban Infrastructure Planning - Traffic and WaterStudies in German
Urbane Plant and Open Space ManagementStudies in German
Augenoptik / OptometrieStudies in German
Clinical Trial ManagementStudies in GermanStudies online
Computational EngineeringStudies in GermanStudies online
Industrial Engineering und ManagementStudies in GermanStudies online
Management und ConsultingStudies in German
Physikalische Technik - MedizinphysikStudies in German
Planung nachhaltiger GebäudeStudies in German
Umweltinformation - GISStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Bautechnik und -managementStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / in - Energie und UmweltressourcenStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / MaschinenbauStudies in German
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / ProjektmanagementStudies in German
Data ScienceStudies in English
Information and Communications EngineeringStudies in English

MBAmore »
MBA - Renewables Studies in English

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Faculties, schools of studymore »
Fachbereich für Architektur und Gebäudetechnik
Fachbereich für Bauingenieur- und Geoinformationswesen
Fachbereich für Elektrotechnik - Mechatronik - Optometrie
Fachbereich für Informatik und Medien
Fachbereich für Life Sciences and Technology
Fachbereich für Maschinenbau, Veranstaltungstechnik, Verfahrenstechnik
Fachbereich für Mathematik - Physik - Chemie
Fachbereich für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
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