Warsaw, Poland

Vistula School of Hospitality

Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Hotelarstwa Vistula

University type: physical education, tourism
Status: non-public

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Careers and Internships Division

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2B Business Tourism Research Club
Academic Choir
Academic Sports Association
Alumni Association
Architecture and New Media Research Club
Artistic Graphic LAB217
Association of Asian Students
Association of Students of Africa and the Middle East
Association of Students of Asia and the Pacific
Banking Club
Culinary Tourism Research Club
Diplomacy Research Club
English-Language Journalism Research Club
European Students Association
Hotel Management Student Research Club
HR Global Trends Research Club
Iberian Studies Research Club
International Business Law & Taxation Club
International Relations Research Club
Nutrition Science Research Club
Social Research Club
Student Activity Club
Student Government
Vistula Art Club
Vistula Google Developer Student Club
Vistula IT Club
Vistula Live
Vistula Music Club
Vistula Photo Club

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Faculty of Tourism and Recreation

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Akademia im. Aleksandra Gieysztora - filia AFiB VistulaPułtusk
Vistula School of Hospitality is a university business college that prepares graduates for work in the field for the creation and management of tourism, sports and recreation companies.

Vistula School of Hospitality was formed by the merger of three colleges of tourism.

The Higher School of Tourism and Recreation, named after Mieczyslaw Orłowicz, in Warsaw was established in 1995 and given entry number 56 in the register of the Ministry of National Education for Non-State Universities. The founding organisation of the Higher School of Tourism and Recreation was the Centre of Tourist Education Ltd. The Higher School of Tourism and Recreation was the first tourist university in the industry. The University received the honorary award of "Globe '98" granted by the Polish Chamber of Tourism for achievements in personnel training for tourism in Poland. The Higher School of Tourism and Recreation was awarded the Medal of Merit for Tourism. It also received recognition from the Polish Tourist Organisation for its educational achievements and its significant contribution to the development of tourism. In addition, the Polish Chamber of Tourism expressed its appreciation for the School's cooperation and contribution to the development of Polish tourism.

The ranking of universities providing tourism and recreation education by the weekly journal 'Wprost' ranked the Higher School of Tourism and Recreation in the first place every year from 2003 to 2007. The confirmation of the degree's market value was provided by the results of the 2008 National Ranking of Universities by the weekly 'Newsweek Poland'. It presented the percentage of young university graduates occupying managerial positions in 1,409 surveyed companies in different industries. The Higher School of Tourism and Recreation was placed 1st of all tourism and recreation universities and was in 4th place of all the public and private universities in Poland.

Another university that became part of the School of Tourism and Recreation was the Higher School of Hotel Management, Catering and Tourism in Warsaw. This was a non-state college (Registration No. 84), which from 2009 has been offering a Masters degree in "Tourism and Recreation" specialising in the hotel and catering industry.

The third school which became part of the School of Tourism and Recreation was the Higher School of Tourism and Hotel Management in Łódź, a non-state school of higher education established in 2000. It offers specialisations in tourism, hotel management, catering and recreation. In 2007 it set up another campus in Gostynin.
The final entity to join the School of Tourism and Recreation was the Institute of Tourism, created in 1972 on the basis of the Council of Ministers Act No. 108 of 26 April 1972. It is the only research and development unit in Poland that conducts interdisciplinary, comprehensive research in the field of tourism. It works in the area of research, analyses, provision of expert opinions, organisation of training and seminars focused on the general sector of tourism.

University website:


Why should you study with us?

Do you want to find your future employment in the field of travel, adventure, recreation, business tourism or working in the tourist services industry?

At the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation you will gain knowledge of business organisation, marketing, law, human resources management and guiding; you will also gain the skills necessary to organise conferences or business trips. You will participate in training camps of qualified tourism. The university has its own tourist resort "Mazur" at "Święcajty" lake ".

You will be able to use the skills acquired during your studies, in practice, by participating in international conferences organised by the Scientific Association of Tourism.

As the specialist programmes at the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation have been developed in close cooperation with our business partners they are tailored to the needs of the market. Consequently, you will be able to take advantage of the diverse range of internships offered in the companies managed by the University's business partners.

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