Brussels, Belgium

Saint-Louis University, Brussels

Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

University type: universities
Status: non-public


43 Boulevard du Jardin botanique
1000 Brussels - Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)2 211 78 11

Doctoral studiesmore »
Doctorat en langues et lettres Studies in
Doctorat en art et sciences de l'art Studies in French
Doctorat en histoire, art et archéologie Studies in French
Doctorat en information et communication Studies in French
Doctorat en langues et lettres Studies in French
Doctorat en philosophie Studies in French
Doctorat en sciences économiques et de gestion Studies in French
Doctorat en sciences juridiques Studies in French
Doctorat en sciences politiques et sociales Studies in French
Our university boasts 3 Faculties spanning the spectrum of the human and social sciences and an Institute for European Studies. Together, they offer a broad range of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Advanced Master’s, and Doctoral degree programmes, as well as numerous lifelong and executive courses that currently attract nearly 2,800 students from some 60 nations. Our growth and diversification over the years has firmly established our reputation as one of Belgium’s principal centres of excellence in the human and social sciences.
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